General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018)
KT Therapy Ltd is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), reference: ZB038196
The purpose of this statement is to let you know what personal information Kt Therapy Ltd collects and processes to carry out its services. Kt Therapy Ltd is committed to complying with the terms of the GDPR and to the responsible and secure use of your data. This privacy notice informs you of what Kt Therapy Ltd will do with your personal information from the initial point of contact through to after therapy has ended.
Kt Therapy Ltd has a legitimate interest in processing personal data to provide its therapy services. To provide you with the best possible service Kt Therapy Ltd needs to hold your personal contact details and records of your therapy sessions. Your privacy is important to Kt Therapy Ltd, and you can be confident that your personal information will be kept safe and secure. Any personal data and information held will only be used for the purpose it was given to Kt Therapy Ltd.
Kt Therapy Ltd adheres to current data protection legislation, including GDPR (2018), The Data Protection Act (2018) and The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations (2003). Kt Therapy Ltd also adheres to the ethical guidelines regarding protecting client privacy and confidentiality set by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).
1.1 When you make an enquiry to Kt Therapy Ltd, you are asked for contact details and relevant personal information that are needed to answer your enquiry and to set up an initial appointment. Kt Therapy Ltd asks for your name, contact details, availability and other relevant personal information – these are known as ‘Personal Data’.
1.2 Other ‘personal data’ such as age, gender identity, occupation, marital status, date of birth and ‘special category data’ such as race, ethnic origin, religion, health and sexual orientation may also be collected.
1.3 Your personal data is securely stored on WriteUpp ( Your data is encrypted and runs on a 256-bit SSL encryption, meaning that your data is safe and secure. WriteUpp’s Privacy Policy can be viewed here
1.4 During our work together, Kt Therapy Ltd records brief, factual notes about what has been discussed during your appointment. Kt Therapy Ltd assigns individuals with a randomised ID to further protect their confidentiality. Any notes recorded will not include any personally identifiable information.
1.5 Client notes are stored on WriteUpp.
1.6 Upon termination of therapy, all data in relation to an individuals therapy is stored securely for five years. After this period, data is destroyed in a confidential manner.
2.1 Your data will only be used to provide you with information in relation to the services of Kt Therapy Ltd.
2.2 Kt Therapy Ltd would only share data in line with ethical and legal obligations. These are:
– If Kt Therapy Ltd receives a Court Order or request from a Coroner for the release of client notes.
– If you disclose any information about a proposed act of terrorism, money laundering and/or drug trafficking.
– If you disclose that you or another is at risk of some form of serious harm
– For the purpose of therapy supervision. No personally identifiable information is disclosed to the supervisor, and they are bound to the same confidentiality agreement as you and KT Therapy Ltd.
2.3 Kt Therapy Ltd uses the services of Laura Mitchell to carry out its practice wishes in the event of Kerry Taylor becoming incapacitated and unable to work. Your personal data, of which Laura will receive access to in such an event, is securely stored on The Clinical Will App’s Privacy Notice can be viewed here
Personal data securely stored on the Clinical Will App is limited to: Your name, email address, phone number, and your appoinment day and time, only.
2.4 Kt Therapy Ltd will not share your details with any other person or organisation outside of the information given above without your consent.
2.5 A breach of confidentiality is when a person shares information with another in circumstances where it is reasonable to expect that the information will be kept confidential.
3.1 Kt Therapy Ltd will take all reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of any information you give.
3.2 Communications in connection with this service may be sent by email. For ease of use and compatibility, communications will not be sent in an encrypted form unless you require it and give Kt Therapy Ltd permission to communicate with you in that way. Email, unless encrypted, is not a fully secure means of communication. Whilst Kt Therapy Ltd endeavours to keep its systems and communications protected against viruses and other harmful effects, Kt Therapy Ltd cannot bear responsibility for all communications being virus-free.
4.1 If you would like to see the information Kt Therapy Ltd holds about you or would like to correct, update or delete any records, please email
If you have any concerns about the use of your data, please contact Kt Therapy Ltd directly at
Kt Therapy Ltd will do the utmost to resolve any concerns you have. If, for any reason, Kt Therapy Ltd cannot resolve your issues, you may choose to contact the ICO directly